
Showing posts from January, 2024

An Ai model to predict house prices (Just report)

Detailed Statistics on Immigration into a Country : Include data on the total number of immigrants, their income levels, and prospective income levels. This data can be obtained from government immigration agencies, census data, or immigration surveys. Take in this data and if it is much higher you can predict house prices are going to rise in the future Number of International Students Coming into a Country : Incorporate information on the total number of international students and the percentage of students who remain in the country after graduation. Data on international student enrollment can be obtained from educational institutions and immigration authorities. Their salaries, their stays, and expenses can affect housing prices. If more graduates are coming There can be an upward trend in the price of houses. Number of People Leaving the Country : Include data on emigration rates and reasons for leaving the country. This information can be gathered from immigration records, exit s

A possible real time price predicting model for ships during geopolitical turbulences

  Global Geopolitical Situation: Oil Price Hike: Integrate real-time data on oil prices into the model to account for fluctuations, adjusting shipping cost predictions accordingly.  Sentiment analysis can also be used to predict future oil prices ie (news regarding oil prices. Ex.saudi said they will cut oil production by a million barrels) Provide valid suggestions  such as finding appropriate insurance against possible fuel price hike. - Find fuel hedging insurance providers before market witness rise in oil price.  Historical trends can also be analysed in oil prices rising and give alerts to management timely.  Safety of Route (e.g., Red Sea War) and also analysis of possible routes: Implement a risk assessment algorithm that considers geopolitical conflicts and provides alternative routes when necessary. This might involve increased security measures and associated costs (higher pay to employees to go to risky routes.).While going on new routes  less major ports may also not suppo

China's advanced AI

 AI has come a long way and China has utilised fully the functionality of AI.  China's use of AI extends to multiple domains like education, payment, and surveillance, and its advancement in AI and its use of it is nothing but impressive.  Payment Imagine making purchases with your faces. You don't have to carry cash a purse or anything just your face. China has achieved this. T o use the facial recognition payment in China,  users need only a working WeChat account and an associated bank account.  Facial-recognition payment has become a popular mode of payment in China with more than 495 million users using it in 2021, according to iiMedia Research's estimates. China is indeed years ahead of everyone.  Surveillance many expats,, find living in China is much safer than in cities like London or New York. Street harassment and catcalling are virtually unheard of for foreigners, and streets are really secure. CCTV cameras in China, particularly those managed by government agen

Red Sea war

    The Red Sea is a captivating stretch of water nestled between Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. It's renowned for its: Crystal-clear waters: Perfect for diving and snorkeling, offering mesmerizing views of vibrant coral reefs teeming with colorful fish. Warm temperatures: Enjoy balmy year-round weather, making it a popular winter escape and diving paradise. Arid landscapes: Surrounding the sea are dramatic deserts and mountains, creating a stunning contrast with the azure waters. Rich history: Used as a vital trade route for millennia, it holds significance in various cultures and religions. But what is the economic significance of the Red Sea? A trillion dollars worth of goods pass through the red sea. That is roughly 12 percent of global trade.   This route is crucial because it connects Asia and Europe. To reach Europe from Asia by sea, ships must either pass through the Red Sea or navigate all the way around Africa Passing all around Africa will delay shipping time by 2 wee

International solar Alliance

Solar Power for All: Unveiling the International Solar Alliance (ISA) Imagine a world powered by sunshine. That's the dream of the International Solar Alliance (ISA), an ambitious initiative launched by India in 2015. With over 120 countries onboard, mostly blessed with ample sunshine between the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn, the ISA is poised to transform the global energy landscape. But what exactly is the ISA? Think of it as a global handshake for solar power. The ISA brings together countries to: Make solar energy cheaper and more accessible: By working together,  member countries can drive down the cost of solar technology and infrastructure, making it a viable option for everyone. Share knowledge and expertise: Member countries with experience in solar power can share their know-how with others in the initiative , helping them leapfrog ahead in their solar journey. Mobilize financial resources: The ISA helps attract investments and funding for solar projects in even counti